I will do shopify marketing, sales funnel, shopify promotion, boost shopify sale
Job Quantity
$ 10
Processing Fees (15%)
$ 2
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Looking for an expert who can increase your Shopify store's sales using proven marketing techniques and sales funnels? Look no further! I'm Taha, a Shopify marketing, sales funnel, and promotion expert who can help you boost your Shopify marketing sales and improve your clients' shopping experience while generating income for you.

My Shopify marketing techniques include setting up*****flows and advertising on various social media platforms to attract potential customers and make a profit from each sale.


Google Analytics
Site Mapping
Product Video
Tiktok & Pinterest Ads
Klaviyo Marketing
Sales Funnel
E-mail Marketing

Don't let barriers stand in the way of your Shopify sales. Let me help you decrypt the code and achieve success with your Shopify store. Welcome aboard!

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Dynamic and results-driven Digital Marketing Professional with 3+ years of experience in developing and executing successful digital marketing campaigns across various platforms, including social media,***** SEO, and PPC. Skilled in data analysis, market research, and user behavior tracking to identify areas for improvement and optimize marketing strategies. Proficient in Google Analytics, AdWords, and other marketing tools to drive website traffic, boost conversions, and increase brand awareness. Adept at delivering exceptional customer service and building strong relationships with clients. Passionate about staying up-to-date with emerging industry trends and implementing the latest technologies to achieve outstanding results. Let's work together to drive your brand's success in the digital space!

What kind of marketing techniques does Taha use to increase Shopify sales?

I uses a range of proven marketing techniques, including email flows, social media advertising, product videos, Google Analytics, TikTok and Pinterest ads, Klaviyo marketing, sales funnel creation, and email marketing.

How long does it take to see results from this marketing services?

The timeline for seeing results from my marketing services can vary depending on factors such as your niche, target audience, and marketing budget. However, I will work with you to develop a realistic timeline for achieving your marketing goals.

How much does Taha's Shopify marketing services cost?

The cost of this Shopify marketing services depends on the scope of work, timeline, and budget agreed upon by both parties. I will provide a transparent and detailed pricing proposal before starting work.

Will you provide regular updates on the progress of my Shopify store's sales?

Yes, I will provide regular updates on the progress of your Shopify store's sales and collaborate with you to make any necessary adjustments to the marketing strategy.

Can I hire you for ongoing Shopify marketing services?

Yes, I offers ongoing Shopify marketing services to help you maintain and grow your store's sales over time.

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Job Quantity
$ 10
Processing Fees (15%)
$ 2
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Job Quantity
$ 10
Processing Fees (15%)
$ 2
Job Quantity
$ 10
Processing Fees (15%)
$ 2
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